Off-axis rotary measurement mode

Product code: CS-SOF-SW-03-OAR

Price: $1,700.00

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The Off-axis rotary measurement mode in CARTO, provides a single source for testing off-axis measurement using the XR20 rotary axis calibrator and XL-80 laser system or XM-60 multi-axis calibrator.

Off-axis rotary measurement mode allows the user to:

  • automatically calculate the offset distance between the centre of rotation of the XR20 rotary axis calibrator and the centre of rotation of the rotary axis
  • generate a test part program (which synchronises rotary axis and linear axis moves to maintain laser beam alignment)
  • remove any contributory linear axis angular error from the observed rotary axis results, giving 'clean' results for the rotary axis

Off-axis rotary measurement mode is supplied as an activation ID compatible with Windows 10 64-bit (version 1803 or greater).

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